
I participated in an art challenge called Inktober for the month of October, 2017! The incentive was to create an ink drawing every day for the 31 days of October, each day with a new word prompt for drawing.
I looked at this challenge as a means to experiment more with ink and concentrate on this one medium in as many different styles as I could. The only guidelines I gave myself were to accept every mark and to never throw out a piece or start over. This helped me be less calculated with my mark marking and more experimental with the many forms ink can offer. Overall, this challenge results in a lot of raw and authentic work that I am excited to call my Inktober Collection!
Day #1 Swift

Gonna try out a new challenge, that I heard about through my student, called #inktober! I'm looking forward to giving this a go... I usually use ink in my paintings for close up detail work with micron pens, so I am looking forward to seeing what else I can learn from this medium! Here it goes!
Day #2 Divided

#day2 #inktober2017ink scares me because it is so permanent. But my intentions for this challenge is to embrace it's permanent qualities by embracing each mark I make & making it work vs starting over. I had a fun time with this one. You know, just playing around with a secret material that complements the ink well 😉
Day #3 Poison

Day no.3 of#inktober2017! Prompt: #poison. I immediately went mythological with this one and thought of lips and snake eyes. Both seen as poisonous.
Day #4 Underwater

Day no. 4 of#inktober2017 ! Prompt is #underwaterand it's also #nationaltacoday, thus enjoy this #underwatertaco!
Day #5 Long

Happy day no.5 of#inktober2017! Today's prompt is #longso I figured I would try some #longscript#calligraphy about my love of coffee and the fall season.
Day #6 Sword

Happy day no.6 of#inktober2017! Today's prompt is #swordand it couldn't be a more accurate word for today. Even though it's Friday it is still a sharp day. #tgif. So I hope you enjoy this sword #geoabstraction
Day #7 Shy

Happy day no.7 of#inktober2017 ! Today's prompt: #shy. They say a line begins with a dot. I worked with this piece from left to right in one continuous line- talking the line for a walk around the art studio!! I interpreted this prompt into different energies the thickness of a micron pen can play up... the line starts out shy and becomes more bold as the foreground nears! Hope you all like!
Day #8 Crooked

Day no.8 of#inktober2017. Today's prompt is#crooked. You can plan everything to the last detail..but It has been the most common of trends lately that as much as you plan there will always be something out of your control to ruin them. This image represents just that.#crookedcrown
Day #9 Screech

Day no.9 of#inktober2017 prompt: #screech! This is a #blindcontour of a creepy face screeching. Please enjoy!
Day #10 Gigantic

Day no.10 of#inktober! Prompt: #gigantic 🐘 both giant and gentle - elephants have a grand peace about them.
Day #11 Run

Chasing all the things that keep us young, we won't stop running until we reach the sun" -woodland, paper kites #inktober prompt: #run running through the forest! .
Day #12 Shattered

Happy day no.12 of#inktober2017 Today's prompt: #shattered! These prompts have been super feisty. Anyways, this one was fun! I am still afraid of the permanent qualities of ink but I am choosing to accept every mark I make & never throw out a piece! Please enjoy this close up of a piece of shattered glass! I was also vibing marble too!
Day #13 Teeming

Day no.13 of#inktober2017 prompt: #teeming! Decided to get #fallfestive and do a study of a teem of pretty + fun #mums! I vibe the fall, so what better way to share these vibes than a cool lil sketch!
Day #14 Fierce

Day no.14 of#inktober2017 prompt: #fierce I LOLed when I read this prompt because just the other day I mentioned how these challenge prompts are fierce! This#inkdrawing represents the challenge to me. It's filled with a mix of intentional and unintentional and I really enjoy that.
Day #15 Mysterious

Happy day no.15 of#inktober2017! Today's prompt is#mysterious. I decided to do a mysterious eye in my #alteredbook with #micronpen! Enjoy!
Day #16 Fat

Happy day no.16 of #inktober2017! The prompt is #fat and boy do I need a big fat box of tissues today with this cold I have! 😫🤧
Day #17 Graceful

#inktober2017 day no. 17! Prompt: #graceful I have been seeing so many butterflies lately! 🦋 they make me smile- they're so graceful + pretty! I decided to do a #geoabstraction on #butterflywings!
Day #18 Filthy

Day no.18 of #inktober2017 prompt: #filthy. Sometimes we can be hard on ourselves as artists. The worst thing we can do is let a mistake stop us. When we work with these mistakes, often times they become the best pieces. This piece represents that for me. I wanted to juxtapose a fine line script next to an ink splatter and let it sit there at the words end. It challenges you to let go of the tight lines sometimes and be more expressionistic, learning to love the ink splatter rather than consider it a filthy mistake!
Day #19 Cloud

My head feels like a cloud with this terrible cold and ironically enough today's prompt is #cloud! Oh #inktober, you sure know how to match my life. My head's in the clouds but my gravity's centered ☁️☁️☁️☁️
Day #20 Deep

"And the trees are filled with memories of the feelings never told" #inktober2017 prompt: #deep thinking about deep roots and layers! Using a stick and ink to make the rings of a tree while listening to The Woodland soundtrack by @thepaperkites
Day #21 Furious

Day no.21 #inktober2017 #furious is the prompt but there's nothing furious about today, it's been quite lovely actually! So I drew my new ivy plant in a furious style🌱🌱 yay I love Saturdays! #notfurious #inkdrawing #inktober #artistsoninstagram #courtneywilsonarts #alteredbook #micronpen
Day #22 Trail

Trees hold all of the contents. #inktober2017 #trail wish I could've gone walking down a trail like this on this beautiful day but instead I waitressed for 9 hours. But I walked 19,232 steps so yay for exercise! #courtneywilsonarts #inkdrawing #micronpen #alteredbook #artistsoninstagram #inktober #ink #art
Day #23 Juicy

#inktober2017 day no.23 prompt: #juicy mhmm had a juicy orange today for a snack! Food inspa! Also side note I'm really starting to love ink #inktober #inkdrawing #dailydrawing #courtneywilsonarts #art #ink #artistsoninstagram
Day #24 Blind

#inktober day no.24 When the prompt is #blind, I simply can't pass up an opportunity to do #blindcontour drawing so here's a drawing of my left hand! #inktober2017 #inkdrawing #artistsoninstagram #courtneywilsonarts #ink #dailydrawing
Day #25 Ship

#inktober no. 26 #ship For some reason I kept forgetting this prompt yesterday. At one point I thought the prompt was mail and then another point I thought it was sail. So I was all over the map, lot of ideas, but no time to make anything. I decided today to work concise and literal just to contradict my hyperactive mind 👍🏻😉 #courtneywilsonarts #inktober2017 #dailydrawing #ink #micronpen
Day #26 Squeak

I have a gig coming up and it's been on my mind a lot lately- very exciting stuff! Except last night in my dream I went to go sing into the mic 🎤 and it #squeaked so loud and everyone covered their ears 🙉🙉 so today's #inktober is the sound effect of my #squeaky dream performance that (hopefully) won't be any indication of how the actually performance will go! #inktober2017 #inktober #inkdrawing #dailydrawing #squeak #courtneywilsonarts
Day #27 Climb

Inktober no. 27 #climb
Day #28 Fall

Brought #inktober to @nashobawinery today! What a beautiful, relaxing day! #fall #courtneywilsonarts #inktober #art #artistsoninstagram #dailydrawing #inktober2017
Day #29 United

#inktober2017 day no.29 prompt: #united! Did this piece after a lovely day of brunching, exploring and playing music so I am feeling very centered which to me is like when every part of me feels united!😊 I drew these circles as the parts of me coming together 🔵⚪️⚫️#courtneywilsonarts #dailydrawing #micronpen #art #artistsoninstagram #inktober #inkdrawing #inktoberfest
Day #30 Found

My first *in the dark* drawing! Lost power at my house, so with minimal lighting and the only visible still life around, these candles are what I have #found ! -- I like playing around with hiding and emphasizing words when working in my altered book. #ADVERTISEMENT
Day #31 Mask

Last day of #inktober2017 prompt #mask! Was reminiscing on some past adventures today and started thinking about the amazing masks in #florenceitaly🇮🇹! It was great inspiration for my last prompt of the challenge! It's been quite the run! I have truly enjoyed this challenge of #dailydrawing with ink and am excited to use ink more in my work moving forward! I am looking forward to the next challenge! Until then, enjoy my #inktobercollection #courtneywilsonarts #inkdrawing #inkdrawing #inktober2017 #inktoberfest #artistsoninstagram #micronpen #art #drawing #dailydrawing #mask #illustration