Gusta Pizza, Florence Itay
Yesterday was my best day in Florence so far. I went to my Art History class and sat through 2.5 hours of lecturing on an empty stomach so naturally I decided after class I would have an artist date for myself and find the famous Gusta Pizza, across from the Arno River. Now, everyone has talked to me about this restaurant so I knew that was the place I wanted to journey to that day. I plugged in directions and made my way to the restaurant. When i got there, the place was packed. I went and ordered my usual Margarita pizza and was told to sit at a table already occupied because it was so crowded. I ended up sitting with a very nice couple from Scotland, but when i first sat down I was very shy. Naturally, whenever I am feeling out of place, I draw- so I took out my sketchbook and started working on a drawing of a statue I was doing for class. All of a sudden I hear the manager yelling “BELLISIMO”, “PERFECTO”! I did not know who he was yelling to because my back was turned to him until the Scottish couple told me that the owner was trying to get my attention. I turned around and the owner said “Your drawing is beautiful!!! You must draw my restaurant!!” I was so embarrassed but i agreed to it and then i was served my delicious pizza! I had a great conversation with the Scottish couple but after they left the owner came and sat down at the table with me and talked to me again about my art. He looked through my sketchbook and he was so impressed he gave me a free glass of wine! Then he asked again if i could draw his restaurant and I agreed to it. I had him take a picture of the angle he wanted the drawing in and I told him that the next time I come it will be finished. He told me he was going to hang the drawing on the wall of the restaurant, which i am so honored to hear. Knowing that my art will forever be in Italy is absolutely amazing. Not to mention, this place is a very well known pizza place. It is such an honor and I am very excited that this happened just from me sketching while waiting for my pizza!